Please support Susan Emerson in the upcoming Republican Primary race for the NH Legislature --representing Rindge and Fitzwilliam -- Please vote on September 13th

Susan and Jim Webb, (R)  Vice Chair, Fish and Game, NH Legislature,  during House Session, 2016

Susan and Jim Webb, (R)  Vice Chair, Fish and Game, NH Legislature,  during House Session, 2016

Colleagues and Constituents Comment on the work of Susan Emerson...

In 2015, Susan was awarded the "Capitol Caregiver Award" by the AARP

In 2016, Susan was named "Legislator of the Year" by the Disability Rights Center

"As former Chair of the Council on Aging, and an Independent voter, I feel inclined to inform your readers of important contributions made by Susan Emerson on behalf of seniors. Counter to concerns raised by those who question her priorities, she has chosen a voting path independent of party positions which protect quality of life for those who lack a voice in the often confusing world of politics and health care. As a Rotarian and current proactive member of the New Hampshire State Committee on Aging, Susan is seen as a strong advocate for mental health support for seniors and has supported important legislation which protects the rights of the senior population."

Owen R. Houghton.
Former Chair, Council on Aging


"Mrs. Emerson,
I read your note in the August 18th Transcript regarding your abilities to serve as our Representative in New Hampshire. I agree with your statements especially in light of your recent health challenges. I hope you continue in your good work in the coming years. I particularly appreciate your efforts to improve roads in our district. Bad roads are hidden taxes that are far more costly than the repairs. Recall the axiom, a stitch in time saves nine.

... The majority of your constituents support strong people. Demagogues that feel "my way or the highway" are recognized for what they are - weak people. Weak people sap the strength from strong people and are distractions to achieving great things... Be strong"
Jim Critzer
President, Lexington Data
"...Let me tell you a bit about Susan Emerson. If there is a town wide function, she is always there. If someone has a problem, she answers her phone. She is currently serving on eight committees and subcommittees at the State House, most importantly Health and Human Services, and when she asked the Speaker why she was on so many, his answer was "because you're the only one who actually shows up!"  She faced down Bill O'Brien during his two-year reign of terror. Now he is gone, but she is still there. I have rarely met anyone who is so attuned to and fights so hard for the needs of her constituency."
Bill Thomas, Rindge


"When Susan learned that she was not going to be released (from Walter Reed) in time to attend the committee hearing for the NH Community Rights Amendment CACR 14, (which she sponsored) she prepared a written testimony that could be read on her behalf so she could make good on her commitment to the people of New Hampshire.

I spoke with Susan on a regular basis during her hospitalization and she appeared very up-to-date on all the goings-on at the State House. When I asked how she was keeping up on everything, she said she had the House Calendar delivered to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and she had access to email communications. Susan also mentioned calling the State House to follow up on anything that wasn’t clarified in the Calendar.

I have heard rumors that Representative Susan Emerson was “out-of-touch”, or “shirking her duties”, but my personal experience was quite the contrary. She made every effort, above and beyond, to stay in touch and fulfill her duties as a state representative. Representative Susan Emerson is ... dedicated to fulfilling her commitments."

Michelle Sanborn,
Board, New Hampshire Community Rights Network
Alexandria NH

Susan Emerson knows the meaning of “represent.” Too many people go to Concord and just vote their own way, regardless of how it affects their constituents. This is not the case with Rep. Emerson, who is always available, always ready to listen, and most importantly, always there to advocate on behalf of her constituents. It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or undeclared. She works for all of us. She doesn’t get bogged down in partisan gridlock — working both sides of the aisle, where she has many friends.  I saw someone wrote she doesn’t deserve that “R” after her name — really? In the Reagan Republican house I was raised in, working both sides of the aisle and getting things done was exactly the measure of political success. 

Maryann Harper, Rindge
Susan Emerson is by far the most receptive representative that I have ever met. She always responds promptly to any questions I have regardless of what may be happening in her life. She truly has a genuine concern for her constituents. I’m proud to call her my representative and she will always receive my vote.

Tyler Seppala, Rindge
Finally coming home after multiple surgeries over the last 6 months, I realized I could not take care of myself on my own when my wife returned to work. As soon as Susan heard of my plight, she drove to Concord for meetings that resulted in our being able to cut through red tape and get the services I need. We are so grateful for her speedy response that got us great results.”

Don Pyke, Rindge